Care Tips After Hair Transplantation

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Care Tips After Hair Transplantation

Getting the right aftercare routine after hair transplantation procedures 

Have you ever wondered how those who have undergone hair transplantation take care of the implanted hair? And whether they have to use certain products for the rest of their lives? Well, all questions will be answered in this article about the most important care tips after hair transplantation.

Hair transplants are minimally invasive procedures that help people restore their hair growth and self-esteem, although it is a procedure that does not require general anesthesia or carries high risks. But like any other procedure, it requires a follow-up period to maintain the results.

We emphasize on the importance of the aftercare period because through it, patients can achieve the results they have always wanted. If aftercare instructions are not followed, there is a risk of graft damage or even death. Read on to learn what the post-treatment phase looks like and what to do.

Post procedure instructions 

The preparations are done, the procedure is done, and now we pave the way for the hair to grow without complications. There are certain activities that you must stop for a certain period of time before resuming them, and some other everyday behaviors that should rather be stopped forever.

Dos and Don’ts after hair transplant procedure

The Dos 

The Don’ts: 


After hair transplantation, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotic tablets and antibacterial cream, which is applied to the wounds and protects the scalp from possible infection.

Hair Wash 

48 hours after hair transplantation, patients must start washing their scalp. There is a specific way to wash the scalp after the procedure to ensure that the grafts are not damaged when washing the scalp.

The right way to wash your hair after hair transplant procedure

First step: remove the bandage carefully, you may feel some pain when removing it, this is completely normal.

Second step: spray the panthenol and foam on the recipient area to smooth and moisturise it. This thin layer of panthenol should remain on the scalp for 30 to 40 minutes.

P.S. Do not apply the foam on the donor area

Third step: before rinsing, gently tap the foam and panthenol onto the recipient area with your fingertips and rub the back of your head, which is the donor area. Then begin to rinse off the foam with lukewarm water at low pressure.

Fourth step: Apply a small amount of the shampoo prescribed by your doctor to the scalp and pat it on the transplanted area until it foams, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Fifth step: gently tap the recipient area with a paper towel to dry it, and for the donor area, you can gently rub the towel as you did before the procedure.

How to get rid of the scabs after a hair transplant procedure? 

On the 10th day after hair transplantation, the patient must remove the scab on the scalp so that the hair can grow. If the scab is not removed, the hair will grow downward instead of upward and may cause infection. To remove the scab from the scalp, start rubbing with circular movements, and do not panic if you see scabs together with hair loss, it is completely normal.

Which Products to Use After Hair Transplant Procedure? 

For six months after hair transplantation, you must use only the hair products prescribed by your doctor. You must not use any other hair products, as most of them contain chemical ingredients that could damage the newly implanted hair follicles. After six months, you can return to your normal hair care routine.

Side effects after the hair transplant procedure 

The procedure of hair transplantation does not bring serious side effects, but some side effects may occur if the post-treatment routine is not followed, or infection may occur. For every side effect there is a solution.


Swelling is a completely normal side effect that occurs after the hair transplant procedure and usually lasts 2 to 3 days. However, there is no particular method to treat swelling, as it is self-limiting and gradually disappears on its own.


Usually, the patient feels itching at the donor site where the healthy hair grafts were taken. This itching is completely normal, as it is a sign that the scalp is healing. During the healing process, the scalp releases histamine, a nitrogen-containing compound that works to repair skin tissue and can cause itching. Do not scratch with your fingernails, as this can cause scarring or even infection. Instead, use a cotton pad and dab gently to get rid of the itch.


Pimples are a type of infection that occurs after hair transplantation. They usually occur because the hair has not grown on the surface but has curled downward, or it may be a normal infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

How to Sleep After a Hair Transplant Procedure 

During the first week after hair transplantation, the transplanted hair grafts are not yet anchored in the recipient area, so patients must sleep with their head elevated and a neck pillow to reduce pressure and therefore swelling. This sleeping position prevents the grafts from being damaged, as you cannot turn and move your head as freely as before the procedure.

Sports and physical activities 

Patients usually resume their normal life activities within three days to a week at most after the hair transplant procedure, but there are certain activities that take a longer time. These include weight lifting and intense sports. Playing sports immediately after hair transplantation can lead to consequences such as sweating, grafts falling out and infections! Therefore, it is better to wait before resuming your fitness programme.

When can you go back to your gym and exercises 

 After a week, patients can return to their exercises by doing sports that do not cause sweating, such as slow walking or cycling. However, they should wait for a month before other intense sports such as weightlifting, rugby, boxing, etc.

Food diet after hair transplant procedure 

After a hair transplant, we do our best to achieve the results we have always wanted. It is recommended to avoid fast and processed food, as well as fatty and sugary foods, as this type of food makes it difficult for the cells to absorb the needed minerals and nutrients. However, it is still important to eat a balanced diet and consume a high amount of vitamins, especially vitamin B. Foods such as brown rice, broccoli, spinach, black beans, lettuce and almonds are perfect for hair. 

Tips for a smooth recovery after hair transplant procedure 

There are some tips that will help you recover faster and smoother. Following these steps is essential for your health in general and for the health of newly implanted grafts in particular.

1- Avoid touching or scratching your scalp 

2- Take your medications on time 

3- Avoid strenuous activities 

4- Protect your scalp from direct sunlight 

5- Stay hydrated 

6- Maintain healthy diet 

7- Avoid smoking and alcohol 

8- Manage stress 

9- Be patient 

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